Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where I come from

Good day to all who are reading this blog.

Some of you who read this blog might be in awe of some of the things that I write, I am not trying to "toot my own horn" so-to-speak, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong... The thing is some of you might not get the chance to talk to me... or get to know the real me, that is fine. So... here goes... I am a 20 year old guy, who struggles throughout my daily life.

"What do you struggle with?" you might ask? Well, I have two learning disabilities, and I live alone... well with a cat... and I feel like I am a kid trapped in an adults body. For those of you who don't know what I mean, the answer is simple... I act more like a kid than an adult. Another thing is that I am completely aware of being an adult, and acting like a child. I mean, it is one thing to be an adult acting like a child, and not even being aware that one does so, and then being completely aware, and be helpless to do anything to change that... it well, sucks...

One thing that really irritates me is when people look at me and yell at me to "Grow-Up" I look at them and say, "I'm trying." It is really hard for someone to go through... There are no books on it, there is nothing on how to seek help... so i pretty much struggle through my day-to-day life, sure I do my best to hide it, but underneath my calm, relaxed, exterior, lies a struggle that is probably going to never end...

So, in closing, the next time you gripe at someone to "Grow-Up" think about what you are saying, and how it could affect that person... especially for someone like me.


Masa said...

don't go changing who you are, if u act liek a kid so fucking what people should learn to deal with it cus they can't run your life and they have to learn to accept ppl for who they are and to fucking get over it,

Where is everyone from?