Saturday, October 23, 2010


I apologize for the extended absence... I was tied up for a little bit with work and what-not... also my computer went down, so I have been getting that fixed.  Bought a laptop for $40 needs one part... but goes for much more on ebay.  Here is a fresh poem. 

Staring into the night
looking out at the rolling storm
the raging waves
have almost overtaken him

Captain, look down yonder
One man has fallen
He shall meet a peaceful end

Another one claimed by lemuria
the sirens drag him slowly
to the bottom of the sea

A silent grave unfolding
The land of mu calls to him
Skipper can’t you see?

The waves crashing over
tossing them about
The sailor steers towards the  sirens

Falling into hypnosis
the land of mu draws near
another victim claimed
a glorious ship to fall into the sea

Whilst the sirens
Call out for more
and no one shall be safe.

Skipper cover your ears
take shelter from their song
protect your crew
from the sirens down yonder

Hope that you enjoyed the poem... will have further updates soon...
This is the demonlion signing off,

Monday, May 3, 2010

I am rather disappointed...

In the way todays society has started to be seemingly losing intelligence. If you want evidence of zombies, look at all the people who update their "Twitter" status every 4 seconds, or for evidence that further proves my point, take a look, if you dare, at chatroulette, or omegle video, it seems that society has nothing better to do than sit around in front of a camera and computer and wank, or complain about the people that are wanking. What on earth is our society becoming? I am sorry, but if you are just going to sit around in front of a computer day in and day out, and not enjoy the nice weather outside... you might as well lie down in a coffin and put a noose around your neck.  It might seem that I am being rather harsh about this, but I am trying to make a point.

The point is, that everyone seems to be addicted to letting everyone know what they are doing every 5 seconds, and it just isn't right.  If you are saying "well you are one to talk" I am not. I am only on my computer about twice a day. In the morning when I wake up, and in the evening before i go to bed. I am not home in between.

We are just marching ourselves downhill. Unless we take the time to do something about it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Sorry for the delay in the blog updates, but life has been very busy for me as of late.  I am trying to find a job at the moment, and that is even harder with the economy the way it is... well I am going to be posting more soon, stay tuned :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Where did the years go?

What happened to us?
Seems like only yesterday we were
playing with model cars and legos.
Now we have to pay bills.
Where did the years go?
We discuss politics and news, and argue about it.
We used to argue about who had the better lego set.
Sibling rivalry used to get us into trouble,
now you have a few DUI's under your belt.

I have asked it before, but where did the years go?
Seems like those years have been replaced by fears about the
Seems like just yesterday our only fear was about whether or
not we got coal in our stockings.

Seems like we aged overnight.

We had so many dreams about what we would be when we grew up.
Now your in college and I'm starting work in a factory.

No ambition, nothing to sooth our souls...
10 years went by, and now we play catch-up.

We graduated high school faster than we thought...

But just where did the last few years go?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Reform Bill

Alright, so here is something that was long overdue.
This is a quick update to let you all know that I am still alive, and feel bad for neglecting the blog for a little bit. So anyways, I was at risk of losing my apartment last month, so I have been working on getting that straightened out... finally got it worked out to where I don't have to pay rent, and they will send me a check made out to the electric company and it will be to cover my electric bill.  For those of you who don't know, I have recently lost my only source of income, and that was a devastating blow to me, so I have been trying to find a job for the past few weeks... had a job interview last thursday, hopefully I get the job.  But I have been busier than anything as of recently... So I really haven't had much time to update my blog or anything... I recently started an online store, <- there it is if you would like to stop by... Anyways I have been trying to get something going for quite some time... but it needs to happen sooner rather than later.

I have been having this strange feeling lately... well I have had it for the past year and a half or so... anyways... I have this feeling like there is something BIG about to happen in my life, don't know what, don't know when, but it is going to happen... It is a rather good feeling tho... so who knows... I have recently been going back to church... no big news there...

So anyway, enough of that. Lets get to the real topic at hand : The Health Care Reform Bill.

I have kind of mixed feelings about this, but all in all it is what has been needed and is much overdue.  It is a really good thing to happen, a friend of mine the other day was telling me that "This is going to ruin the USA." I looked at him and was like: "How do you ruin something that was already ruined?" Meh, we will figure out whether or not it was a good or bad idea in the next few years...

I was also discussing something with a good friend of mine the other day as well... It was a rather interesting topic, we were discussing this new tax law bill that was recently rejected by congress, I'll get to the reasons later.. Anyway the new tax law stated "For every dollar that is earned, One must pay $0.01 for taxes." Now that is a tax law that I can agree with, However, the bill was rejected because the wealthy were complaining that for every million dollars they earned per year, they would have to pay $10,000 in taxes on it.  Well... lets see they would still have $990,000 which is still alot of freaking money if you think about it.  I would much rather pay 1% in taxes rather than the current 33% tax rate here in Illinois... current tax law: If I earn $352 after a hard weeks work (say that 5 times fast) after the 33% tax I would have only made  $235.84 which is bull. Under the new tax law: I earn that same $352 after the 1% tax I would only have made: $348.48 which is a hell of a lot better than the old law... but it won't get passed because the wealthy are complaining that they would have to pay $10,000 in taxes on each million they earn.   Now this law sounds better and all, but as with everything, there is a catch: You wouldn't get anything back.  I would vote for the new tax law to be honest, because it makes more sense... with the current law, whatever happened to that constitutional statement: "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION." that is my stand on the matter.... (Speaking of health care reform, I think we need a government reform.)

Well untill the next update guys, peace.
(Hopefully I have a job by then)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


A man lies broken

Photos of old memoirs lie broken on the floor beside him
Photos of the last time that he truly was able to laugh 
Lately though the only thing he seems to do is cry
The best years of his life lie behind him, in old memories
Seems everyone has forgotten about him

Full of youthful energy he used to swim in the creek behind his house
He used to build tree houses

Now, he has nothing to look forward to
He walks a fine line 
Between life and death
The lines blur together

The only thing that he can remember
As he speeds towards his doom
Is a line of advise that was given to him years ago
'Twas another forgotten memoir
Faster and faster 
Until the thrill of speed
Overcomes the fear of death

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Store

Ok so I have lowered the prices on everything in my inventory at my store: still working out the kinks in the site, but so far it is up and running, just needs traffic. Feel free to stop by my store and let me know if there is something that you are looking for i could probably find it and sell it for a reasonable price. :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Over 2,000 hits O_O

Holy crap... just looked at the hit counter today, and thanks to you guys for viewing my blog... there will be further updates in the future, i have a few poems that i am going to be  writing for your viewing pleasure...well till the next update,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

See the world through the eyes of a child movement

So, I have been thinking alot about the way the world is running lately, and sooner or later our species is going to exterminate itself, unless we do something about it right now.  So, what I am proposing to do about it is to start a movement to try to help the world see things differently... So I am thinking about starting a movement that will be called: "See the world through the eyes of a child." If you think about it, it makes perfect sense... I mean think back to when you were a kid... think about how awesome of a place this world used to seem, then as you grew up you realized that the world wasn't that great of a place to begin with... But, our kids grow up learning how to be themselves by the actions of their parents... for example, if the child grows up in an abusive environment, chances are the child will gro to be a child abuser, or spouse abuser... Or, another example, if the child grows up in a racist environment, chances are the child will grow to be racist as well.

Think back to when you were a kid, remember how the world used to fill you with a sense of wonder and excitement?  Remember how it felt to do something nice for another person?  Sure, kids can be cruel, but that is how they are... but, what we, as adults are all guilty of now, is being cruel to everyone around us... whether it be by road rage, arguments at home, arguments at work... etc, we are all guilty of being cruel.

Take a moment to re-connect with your inner child, remember all the joys that you had as a kid? The sense of wonder about the world around you, and the sense that you really didn't care about the wars they showed on television...  Think seriously about it... we were all kids at one time, whether we like to admit it or not, we are all still children.  Take a moment out of your day to see the world through the eyes of your child, or your inner child... think about it... the world seems much better, doesn't it?  But this movement in't just about sitting down and setting aside a moment of your time to remember something silly from your childhood, it is about getting out there and doing something to try and help, take time to help out the needy in your neighborhood, help out a charity, a church, a school... just go out there and do your part to show that we as a human race have evolved to the point above barbarism... We need to stop these silly fights... these silly wars... who needs them? Come on people, open your eyes and see through the eyes of a child.  Just get out there and do something.

I am already doing my part, I spend quite a bit of my time helping out neighbors, or just visiting with them... and helping them out when they need it. Now go do your part.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Been looking into some new things

Been looking into some new things lately and there have been quite a few new ideas that have really intrigued me, as you all may know by know, I have been working on recording my upcoming album... It has taken alot of hardwork and patience, but I am positive that it will be worth it. I have been looking around online for different ways to make one of the rooms in my apartment soundproof, and hopefully I will soon be able to do it... it will take a bit of time to figure out exactly how it will work out, but I am positive that it will be worth it in the long run.  I have also been thinking heavily about upgrading my computer so that It will be better suited for editing audio and video tracks... will take a bit of time to get the parts, but I am certain that I will be able to do it :)

Where is everyone from?