Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Reform Bill

Alright, so here is something that was long overdue.
This is a quick update to let you all know that I am still alive, and feel bad for neglecting the blog for a little bit. So anyways, I was at risk of losing my apartment last month, so I have been working on getting that straightened out... finally got it worked out to where I don't have to pay rent, and they will send me a check made out to the electric company and it will be to cover my electric bill.  For those of you who don't know, I have recently lost my only source of income, and that was a devastating blow to me, so I have been trying to find a job for the past few weeks... had a job interview last thursday, hopefully I get the job.  But I have been busier than anything as of recently... So I really haven't had much time to update my blog or anything... I recently started an online store, <- there it is if you would like to stop by... Anyways I have been trying to get something going for quite some time... but it needs to happen sooner rather than later.

I have been having this strange feeling lately... well I have had it for the past year and a half or so... anyways... I have this feeling like there is something BIG about to happen in my life, don't know what, don't know when, but it is going to happen... It is a rather good feeling tho... so who knows... I have recently been going back to church... no big news there...

So anyway, enough of that. Lets get to the real topic at hand : The Health Care Reform Bill.

I have kind of mixed feelings about this, but all in all it is what has been needed and is much overdue.  It is a really good thing to happen, a friend of mine the other day was telling me that "This is going to ruin the USA." I looked at him and was like: "How do you ruin something that was already ruined?" Meh, we will figure out whether or not it was a good or bad idea in the next few years...

I was also discussing something with a good friend of mine the other day as well... It was a rather interesting topic, we were discussing this new tax law bill that was recently rejected by congress, I'll get to the reasons later.. Anyway the new tax law stated "For every dollar that is earned, One must pay $0.01 for taxes." Now that is a tax law that I can agree with, However, the bill was rejected because the wealthy were complaining that for every million dollars they earned per year, they would have to pay $10,000 in taxes on it.  Well... lets see they would still have $990,000 which is still alot of freaking money if you think about it.  I would much rather pay 1% in taxes rather than the current 33% tax rate here in Illinois... current tax law: If I earn $352 after a hard weeks work (say that 5 times fast) after the 33% tax I would have only made  $235.84 which is bull. Under the new tax law: I earn that same $352 after the 1% tax I would only have made: $348.48 which is a hell of a lot better than the old law... but it won't get passed because the wealthy are complaining that they would have to pay $10,000 in taxes on each million they earn.   Now this law sounds better and all, but as with everything, there is a catch: You wouldn't get anything back.  I would vote for the new tax law to be honest, because it makes more sense... with the current law, whatever happened to that constitutional statement: "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION." that is my stand on the matter.... (Speaking of health care reform, I think we need a government reform.)

Well untill the next update guys, peace.
(Hopefully I have a job by then)


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