Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, No More Silence

Ok, I have had it with holding my tongue about alot of things, and I am not going to hold my tongue about them anymore... I am fed up with people acting like they can walk all over me, because they hold a bit more authority than I hold. Starting in 2010 I am NO LONGER holding my tongue, if I feel that you are either disrespecting, using, or taking advantage of me in anyway, YOU WILL hear about it. I used to hold my tongue for the sake of others, at this point, I could care less.  One person that is going to hear it first is my mom... she has been in charge of my money for a few months now, and things went well at first, but now I realize that she is just taking advantage of me. It is high time that I start trusting my money to NOONE but myself... She is trying to act like i am not entitled to take all of my money with me out to california next month, and then she doesn't even want to give me my money when I ask for it... I have to wait on her sorry ass to bring it to me, most of the time when I ask for money all I get is this: "Oh I'm sorry I can't bring you your money because I am busy right now." Most of the time when she says she is busy she is actually out somewhere in town, and she can't stop over to give me my money... How Pathetic...


Where is everyone from?