Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Alright.... so i am getting pretty fed up with people telling me i should go to church... and that i need to be saved.... etc... I don't want to go to church... Yes i was into that scene at one point in time... but i am starting to lean towards being sacreligious... i am starting to lose respect towards all religion, i dont mean any disrespect towards anyone reading this... but it is true... i just can't stand it anymore.

If it is one religion I absolutely cannot stand, it is those Jehovahs witnesses. Point in case: the other day... I had just one of those really exhausting days where you just want to go home and sleep untill the next month, all the sudden i wake up to this sudden pounding on my door, it was like the police were knocking... got really annoying, so I quickly ran down the hall, and made sure one of my few upside down crosses was within the line of site of whoever was pounding on my freaking door, so I immediatly answered the door, and there are two people there, with these "watchtower" magazines.... if you have ever had the occasion where a jehovahs witness knocks on your door, you know what i am talking about, anyway, they start talking to me and everything, I wind up bending over to pick up my cat, they look down my hall and see my upside down cross that is hanging there, and they start telling me all about how the devil is evil... and how i will wind up burning in hell if i don't change my ways, and become a jehovahs witness... I just rolled my eyes and was like... yea, sure, whatever... out of nowhere the song that i was downloading starts to play, it was Godsmack's I Freaking hate you (Good song by the way) and anyway... they start getting creeped out when i told them that i worshipped satan all the time (which i don't by the way) and they start yelling you're going to burn in hell!! I simply told them, at least I will be warm, they left, and I went back to bed and had some of the best sleep i have ever had in awhile.... anyway...

Sacreligious - Having no respect for any religion at all.

I don't belive that I am evil... I am only slightly twisted. I do belive that there is something after death, but who knows... I don't really believe that there is a "Hell" there may or may not be either a "Heaven" or a "Hell" but i believe that there is something other than death after we pass on.

We all only get one life to live, and 100 years goes by fast.
There is so much to see in life, I dont really want to be one of those people who gets stuck in one place for the rest of their life... I want to be one of those people who can travel wherever and whenever, cuz there is so much to see in life, why waste it doing the same routine over and over and over again? You're life shouldn't be a cycle, we were born free, so let us live free.

I also believe that there can be a world peace, will we see it in our lifetime? The answer is probably not.
IF everyone on the planet agreed to disagree, then life would be alot better.

Well, that is a wrap for this weeks update,
Untill next time, Peace


Where is everyone from?