Monday, September 28, 2009


With graduation ever looming
He sits down upon the high cliff
That everyone he loved flew off
He looks at the rocky shore below
And wonders what it would feel like
What would be his last feeling
Before he let go

Hold me tight
Take my hand
Which will it be?
Do I stay, or do I go?
I feel I'm fading faster, falling faster
Towards the grave
For he's got my number
My time may be up

The above was just a small poem that I have been working on.
In the process of writing another poem at the same time...
By the way, for those who have viewed my blog, thank you for 1200+ hits and counting
Keep watching, there will be further updates in the days to come.

Well, untill the next update,

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How free is america?

Welcome to the Communist country of the United States of America, where our police and military personell decide when you can protest, and any protest is deemed to be a riot, so the riot police go in and trap our countries college students in stairwells and hallways and fire teargas and pepperspray at them. The land of the free? I don't think so. It is time to take a look at our entire US government, and our law enforcement departments and look towards reform.

America is home to countless tales of police brutality, and when a group of people gather to protest, it is deemed to be an "unlawful assembly" a clear violation of our constitutional rights.
Why am I against most officers and military personell of this "free land" ? I'll tell you why, or rather i will show you: the story behind that?

PITTSBURGH – A vociferous but peaceful group of several thousand people marched for miles through downtown Pittsburgh on Friday, united by opposition to the Group of 20 summit but expressing a diversity of mostly liberal causes as an army of stone-faced riot police watched their every move.

Dozens of black-clad anarchists were conspicuous among the demonstrators, but there was no sign of the disturbances that had resulted in arrests and property damage a day earlier.

The main message of the so-called Peoples' March to the G-20 was a demand for solutions to the planet's economic and environmental challenges different than those the world's richest countries are pursuing. But there also was a strong contingent of anti-war protesters and those interested in such diverse issues as African debt relief, rejection of corporate subsidies and more humane child-labor laws.

"We want money for jobs, not war, money to clean up the environment," said Pete Shell, a protest organizer.

President Barack Obama said the protests had been relatively peaceful, adding that previous world summits drew far more protesters than came to Pittsburgh. He described many as opposing capitalism and free markets in general, and said he supported their freedom to express their views but disagreed with them.

There also was a festive spirit in Friday's crowd_ colorful flags, bicyclists, a group of hula hoopers, a large parade puppet in the shape of a dove, a small brass band and a correspondent from Comedy Central's The Daily Show, who drew a mini-crowd of his own.

The march had been issued a city permit and organizers pledged to keep it nonviolent, a goal they stressed to participants, even though some were determined to test police restraint.

At one point, a group of black-clad anarchists, their faces covered, faced a line of police officers and sang, "We all live in a fascist bully state" to the tune of the Beatles' "Yellow Submarine." Anarchists also came nose-to-nose with officers, to little effect.

Leaders of 19 countries and the European Union were meeting downtown, in sight of the Andy Warhol Bridge. When the protesters reached the bridge, they stopped and shouted toward the summit. Some gestured obscenely; one woman on a bullhorn yelled, "Power to the people, not the G-20."

At the park where the three-hour procession ended, volunteers dished beans, rice and salsa on tortillas out of pots and coolers while speakers talked of convicting the G-20 leaders of crimes against humanity.

Joshua Nichols, 24, of Telluride, Colo., drove 24 hours to participate. He described himself as a migrant who shovels snow in winter, cleans houses, works on an organic farm and teaches preschool in the summer.

"I am here because I think the G-20 is in part an organization among others that leads to the subjugation of people all over the world," he said. "We need to stand up and say that we're going to put an end to this or it's going to get ugly."

Ed Cloonan, 62, of Munhall, Pa., handing out signs in favor of a single-payer health care plan, said he wanted an end to what he called the "cancer of the insurance system."

Fifteen-year-old Rosi Lowe, a student from Pittsburgh, was in the crowd with a classmate for a school project on the G-20 and had formed a conclusion: "I feel like it's real exclusive and doesn't represent the entire world."

Friday's march had some marked differences from a Thursday afternoon march that ended with clashes between police and anarchists.

The Thursday march, far smaller, did not have a permit and police declared it illegal almost as soon as it began. Small bands of anarchists responded to officers' overwhelming show of force by rolling huge metal trash bins, throwing rocks and breaking windows. Police fired bean bags and canisters of pepper spray and smoke.

Later that night, hundreds of officers surrounded what was mostly a large gathering of University of Pittsburgh students in the city's Oakland neighborhood. The area was adjacent to where G-20 participants opened the summit, but leaders were long gone by the time police declared the gathering illegal and fired canisters of pepper spray and smoke.

Civil liberties groups decried what they called a heavy-handed and unwarranted police response to the Thursday protests. They complained that riot officers focused on largely peaceful, if unsanctioned, demonstrations when they should have been paying more attention to small groups of vandals that smashed windows of city businesses.

The police response was on the minds of demonstrators on Friday, including anti-war movement leader Cindy Sheehan.

"We need jobs, we need health care, we need education, we need housing," she said at the final rally. "We don't need the united police states of America."

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl has praised officers for their work to minimize property damage. No protesters have been seriously injured.

In all, several businesses were damaged Thursday and nearly 70 people were arrested on charges, many for failure to disperse and obstructing traffic.


Associated Press writers Michael Rubinkam, Daniel Lovering and Vicki Smith contributed to this report.

You tell me, do we live in a free country, or one controlled by the militia?

Your Friendly Anarchist;
DIxon Demon Lion

PS: forward this blogpost to everyone you know so everyone can know what freedom is really like in nazi america

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What is going on?

Alright guys, so today I was hanging out with my uncle, and I got to practice on the mic, i sounded pretty good with what i was doing, so as soon as i get done rehearsing, well i am always going to be rehearsing, untill i get everything perfected, also heard a riff that i have been working on with distortion on my uncles guitar,that sounded awesome :D

anyways look for a new poem i am going to be posting soon.

until the next update,

Friday, September 18, 2009

quick update

just a quick update to let you guys know that i am still around. I have roomies now, but i am not sure how much longer that will last, they keep arguing, and that is not something i want in my home... I like to help people out and everything, but if you are going to be mad quite a bit, then i am sorry, dont come home mad... well that is all for now, look for a longer update soon

Until the next update, peace

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Alright.... so i am getting pretty fed up with people telling me i should go to church... and that i need to be saved.... etc... I don't want to go to church... Yes i was into that scene at one point in time... but i am starting to lean towards being sacreligious... i am starting to lose respect towards all religion, i dont mean any disrespect towards anyone reading this... but it is true... i just can't stand it anymore.

If it is one religion I absolutely cannot stand, it is those Jehovahs witnesses. Point in case: the other day... I had just one of those really exhausting days where you just want to go home and sleep untill the next month, all the sudden i wake up to this sudden pounding on my door, it was like the police were knocking... got really annoying, so I quickly ran down the hall, and made sure one of my few upside down crosses was within the line of site of whoever was pounding on my freaking door, so I immediatly answered the door, and there are two people there, with these "watchtower" magazines.... if you have ever had the occasion where a jehovahs witness knocks on your door, you know what i am talking about, anyway, they start talking to me and everything, I wind up bending over to pick up my cat, they look down my hall and see my upside down cross that is hanging there, and they start telling me all about how the devil is evil... and how i will wind up burning in hell if i don't change my ways, and become a jehovahs witness... I just rolled my eyes and was like... yea, sure, whatever... out of nowhere the song that i was downloading starts to play, it was Godsmack's I Freaking hate you (Good song by the way) and anyway... they start getting creeped out when i told them that i worshipped satan all the time (which i don't by the way) and they start yelling you're going to burn in hell!! I simply told them, at least I will be warm, they left, and I went back to bed and had some of the best sleep i have ever had in awhile.... anyway...

Sacreligious - Having no respect for any religion at all.

I don't belive that I am evil... I am only slightly twisted. I do belive that there is something after death, but who knows... I don't really believe that there is a "Hell" there may or may not be either a "Heaven" or a "Hell" but i believe that there is something other than death after we pass on.

We all only get one life to live, and 100 years goes by fast.
There is so much to see in life, I dont really want to be one of those people who gets stuck in one place for the rest of their life... I want to be one of those people who can travel wherever and whenever, cuz there is so much to see in life, why waste it doing the same routine over and over and over again? You're life shouldn't be a cycle, we were born free, so let us live free.

I also believe that there can be a world peace, will we see it in our lifetime? The answer is probably not.
IF everyone on the planet agreed to disagree, then life would be alot better.

Well, that is a wrap for this weeks update,
Untill next time, Peace

Monday, September 14, 2009

Current Events

Alright guys, so I went out saturday for a rehearsal, and figured somethign out... I am not ready for recording in the studio... I am going to need a bit more time to practise and everything... so, yea... My dad is going to be coming over tomorrow, I am looking fowards to it. I got to talk to my big sister today, for that I am grateful, she has finally gotten her own place, and the unforutnate thing is that a few weeks ago she was excited because she thought she was going to have another baby, I am still getting over the shock of being an uncle for the first time o.O but she had a miscarrage the other day, and I am sad about that... was kinda looking fowards to having another nephew or niece... but anyway.... look foward to more updates soon, there are many more writings in the works... found a nice spot to write songs the other day, so i am going to have alot more inspiration for writing.

Until the next update;

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Flames of Hatred

The flames of hatred burn today

Burn for all of the wrong reasons
They burn for all the reasons we hate
For all the reasons we are born
For all the reasons we die
For all the reasons we live

Don't give in to temptation
It is far too easy to hate
To spread lies
To promote guilt
To promote racism
To promote sexism

It is so easy in the world nowadays to label, and even judge people just by looking at them... what is wrong with this world? it used to be a nice place to live, a world where no one really had to worry about the other person, and it seems like everyone now, has to judge the other person.
People seem to think that just because someone wants to be a kid, or may act like a kid even tho they are an adult... that there must be something drastically wrong in that respect, the above was a short poem... I think that it is kind of so-so... but i had to write it. There are alot of things write spur of the moment, and to me... when i have to write something i write it... expecially when the mood hits me just right, if i go to sleep, i fear that i would soon forget that which i tried so hard to put together, so when i write it down... it is spur of the moment... might not make a whole lot of sense, but it happens

There are going to be some major changes in my life soon, a friend of my friends wants me to go to his recording studio and get a few things i have written recorded, i am so excited about this, this could be the break that i have been looking for.

Well, till the next update, peace

Monday, September 7, 2009

Maybe a big change

Ok... alot of crazy stuff has happened in my life recently, i now have a few roomates, and so far that is working out. Something big is about to happen in my life soon, it will be a move in the right direction, I hope... a friend of my friends wants me to come over to his recording studio and lay down a few tracks of songs that i have written, and that will be cool, so yea.. look foward to the next update, i will try and update as quick as possible with a few new poems, untill the next update, peace

Where is everyone from?