Friday, July 17, 2009

New thoughts

So I have been thinking as of late... I am currently 20 years old, and i have alot to look foward to in this life... but i have been thinking, maybe i am not fulfilling my potential. 10 years ago i was asked the question that we all have been asked: and that question was; "In 10 years what do you see yourself doing?" Good question and I have been pondering about it ever since... i mean what do I see myself doing when I am 30? God... it hurts just to type that O.O but in all seriousness, what do I see myself doing in 10 years? 10 years ago i said that I would be touring the world in a band, but we all know that isnt true, the only thing that I am doing now is surfing the web, on very low income, and trying to get a band formed. I am a singer who is looking to start a band, and start playing shows on the global scale, I am talking about reaching out to the global masses with a new style of music... God wouldnt that be nice? but as far as that goes... it is just a bunch of nice words typed into a computer document, and saved on my hard drive... We all have hopes and dreams, and wouldnt it be nice if that came true? Hell yeah!! But, I am still on vacation right now, it is nice so far... but california is way too hot for me, I need rain every once in a while o.O I want to have something better for my life, for me, and my family, but the family comes first, that is the way the world should turn, if something happens to a family member, we shouldn't have to worry about if we have to take the day off of work, or suddenly take off because of a sudden emergency in the family, the boss should understand that sometimes these things happen, and just brush it off. Take some time to seriously think about the question that I just asked, "What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?" I would seriously like to hear what the different responses to that question are, leave me a comment on my youtube page with your answer to that question; I will take the time to read thru the responses and reply to as many as I can, it is an honest question. I see myself traveling the world in ten years, and not having a care in the world, I see my family with financial security, and no more debt for anyone in my fam... I see myself spending time with my nephew, who would be 11 or 12 ten years from now...

Another thing is, we as humans dont take time out to notice the little things, we can spend our whole lives without realizing that we could have done better. We also spend way too much time worrying about what other people say is "going to happen." when in all honesty, most of the time those stories are a bunch of bullocks. Now is the time to get closer to your families, and take the time out to stop and notice the little things, talk to people that you havent talked to in awhile, go out to your great aunts house, or your parents house.... for god sakes go out to your family and spend as much time with your elders as you can, because they are not always going to be around, I had to learn that fact the hard way.

I dont know if all of this is just california talking or what... but my eyes have been opened up to so many things in these past few months, and as of now I am going to spend as much time as I can with my family, because they might not always be around....

Well that is enough of that, remember to ask yourself that question and I hope to hear your response to the question; "What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?"


Where is everyone from?