Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Alright... here we go... As most of you know I have taken the time to go on vacation to visit with a friend of mine out in california, very good vacation so far, I am even thinking about moving out to california, because there is much more to do there than there is in any other state, not to mention the fact that there is more job availability out there as opposed to my hometown back in IL. There is so much going thru my head right now... I mean, I am 20 and i have so far seen everything that I want to see out here in the USA it is awesome. Nothing is tying me down to the state that I live in, and my friend offered to let me become his roomate out in california... had to think about it for a little bit, but... what the hell... I am going to do it anyway. I have nothing tying me down... and lets face it I am much happier out in california than I am back home in IL... so by this time next year, I am going to be all settled in out in california, and there are no drawbacks... well almost none. I am going to be heading out to Las Vegas today... Man, am I freaking excited about that... I mean really... it is freaking vegas. When I return home I plan to continue on with my plan to quit smoking... I have so far made the move from cigarettes to cigars... and hopefully soon I am going to be smoke free for the rest of my life.

There is more of a chance for my singing talents to get noticed out in california than there is out in IL... There are alot of positives to being in CA, rather than out in IL... am I excited about this... yea I mean... I am going to be seeing everything that I want to see... and that is a good thing. Everyone has asked me what I do for a living to be able to travel like I plan to... well... I am not going to lie about what I do... I am an unemployed singer who plans on moving foward with his dreams... I am not meant to lie around my house doing nothing but sit there and whine about how there is nothing to do... seriously that gets old after a week.


Is a rather boring place... Yes you have the big city of Chicago out there... but other than that there is nothing to do at all out there.

Am I close to my family?
That is a question I was asked by another friend of mine the other day... and it really got me to thinking... My response to that question is this... I am in a neutral position about both sides of my family.. and one side holds much more drama than the other side... But I would like to be close with my dad. My family and I have disagreements from time to time... and a few people on one side hold a grudge against me... long story about that one... but these words that I am writing about right now are the absolute truth...

These words are my true feelings about everything. Yes I know I tend to write rather long posts about everything... but still the opportunities are almost infinite out here in cali... But I am at peace... there is no stress for me at all out here, and I can be myself fully, without hiding anything from anyone because no one cares out in california... I dont understand why people dont like people from california... it just doesn't makes sence at all. There is room for much more advancement out here in cali as opposed to most other places in the country. Am I going to stay a small town midwestern man... HELL NO!!

I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel... and I like what I am seeing. It is truely wonderful. I am glad to have friends who care about me... and when I got the opportunity to go out and see arizona... to see texas... to see missouri... to see new mexico... to see oklahoma.. nebraska... the list goes on. I am more at peace here than at any other place I have lived at. There is much more freedom out here.

So... in closing what I have to say is... I am in love with california... it may just be the place that I spend the rest of my life, and who knows... I may get lucky and catch a record deal while I am living out here... who knows? But the opportunity is there. I have seen it... So there are a few earthquakes and wildfires.... they dont happen as often as everyone thinks that they do.

Well... that is all I have to write about for now... stay tuned for more updates on everything... and soon more writings... I have been inspired greatly... so there are going to be much more songs that are going to be posted on youtube and everything so stay tuned and I will try to keep you guys posted as much as possible.

This is the DemonsLion signing out...
Peace :D


Where is everyone from?