Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, No More Silence

Ok, I have had it with holding my tongue about alot of things, and I am not going to hold my tongue about them anymore... I am fed up with people acting like they can walk all over me, because they hold a bit more authority than I hold. Starting in 2010 I am NO LONGER holding my tongue, if I feel that you are either disrespecting, using, or taking advantage of me in anyway, YOU WILL hear about it. I used to hold my tongue for the sake of others, at this point, I could care less.  One person that is going to hear it first is my mom... she has been in charge of my money for a few months now, and things went well at first, but now I realize that she is just taking advantage of me. It is high time that I start trusting my money to NOONE but myself... She is trying to act like i am not entitled to take all of my money with me out to california next month, and then she doesn't even want to give me my money when I ask for it... I have to wait on her sorry ass to bring it to me, most of the time when I ask for money all I get is this: "Oh I'm sorry I can't bring you your money because I am busy right now." Most of the time when she says she is busy she is actually out somewhere in town, and she can't stop over to give me my money... How Pathetic...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ever had one of those days?

You know, the kind of day that NOTHING seems to go right? I bought a copy of windows 7 ultimate, and it just doesn't want to install for the life of it... i am guessing that it might have something to do with my bios not wanting to recognize my DVD-RW drive... windows recognizes it just fine... *sigh* when will this computer figure itself out o.O

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year = Faster Computer

I can't wait until January, I am going to be upgrading the computer that I am using at the moment :D Right now it doesn't have the greatest specs... I have succeeded in over clocking the processor, I have taken it from the "stock" 2.0GHZ to 2.2GHZ which isn't that bad... well at the moment the specs on this computer are as follows: 150GB IDE HD, 2.2GHZ AMD Athelon 64, 1GB DDR RAM, Windows XP Home SP3... When I upgrade the computer the specs will be as follows: 1GB DDR2 Nvidia GeForce 9400GT, 4GB DDR2 RAM, 3.1GHZ AMD Athelon 64 X 2 (dual core) 500GB Sata HD, Windows 7 Home Premium. I so can't wait, this will be a fun build, and it will be fairly easy on the wallet as well... the entire build, after shipping and taxes, will set me back about $421, there will be a few parts that i will have to wait untill feburary to buy, such as the hard drive and windows 7 home premium. but the build in jan, will set me back $266... and the total for the build in feb will be $155. It will be worth it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Hey guys, just stopping in to have a quick update, hoping that you all are having a great holiday season, and also to wish you all a merry christmas, a happy honaka, a happy quanza... etc :D well... hope your holiday season is turning out well,... I am planning on fixing a computer within the next 24 hours or so... wish me luck :)
till the next update, peace

Monday, December 21, 2009


How many of you have been frustrated at someone before? Probably many of you.. today I am frustrated at a guy I know.. He kept calling me last night in 15 - 15 minute intervals, and I just could not sleep... I don't know about you guys, but if I don't get enough sleep I can get pretty mean... Oiy... there are times that I would like to reach through the phone and slap a person... but... what can you do?

Saturday, December 19, 2009


The hardest part about recording an album is trying not to be so critical of yourself while recording... This album for me has to be "perfect" this is going to take enough time to do... because I keep finding flaws in everything... but oh well, it will come out just fine... I hope... When I am done with it, be sure to look for it on itunes... well till the next update, peace

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Album

I am working on recording an album at the moment... it will take a few more weeks to get everything finalized and ready for it to sell... It is called "Between Dusk and Dawn" It is just me reading my poetry... but still.
Everything on it so far sounds very rough, there is soo much work that needs to be done on it... but it will be finished soon. Look for it on itunes soon.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Ok so there is a new site on the net out there, it is called Popstation it is a fairly good site so far, nothing to critique yet... Alright it is a simple concept, really... there is a link to the site at the bottom of my blog.. it says "I'm the next best thing..." anyway, you record a few songs, other people vote on them, and if you reach the top of the charts on that site, you have a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to nyc to record an album... Every singers dream, right? Anyway... I am going to be researching this site as much as possible, hopefully I won't find any hints of a scam... however, the site is too new to be able to tell... but from what I have witnessed over the past few weeks of being a member (it is all free btw...) it iss going to be a good site to go to, and be fairly legit.

Well, until next time, this is the Demon Lion signing out

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I am back

Throw a party now, I have a computer once again, and I will be posting more stuff as the days progress.
Still looking forwards to going to california in january

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Goodbye for now...

Well guys... the time has come (it has been long overdue) for me to tell the rent-to-own company to take this laptop back, and i am pretty much going to tell them to shove it... tired of this bull >.<
So far I have paid $1,200.88 on a $689 laptop... that is an utter POS... so I am going to cancel the agreement to pay $150.11 on this laptop, in the end I would wind up paying well over $2400 for this laptop, and I am done with it.
I have had nothing but issues with this company... and I have just simply had enough.

So... I am not sure when I will post again, or be on the internet... But I will be back, just not sure when tho...

Where is everyone from?