Thursday, November 19, 2009

Death Came Swiftly Knocking

Here is a preview of a novel that is in the works, from your friendly twisted soul, the demon lion
Let me know if it is worth continuing, or if I should stop writing, or where it could use improvements.

A word of caution, this preview contains mild language.

1 violent attack

I look around; I've been walking this deserted road for miles. This is an unusual occurrence. Usually when I walk, this road is always full of cars going past, going god knows where. Ah, but it is such a peaceful night, perhaps being alone isn't such a bad thing, after all, we all need to be alone at times, am I right?

And then I see it, the glint of headlights in the distance, urgh, this means I'll have to get over to the side of the road, dammit. Well would they survive if I stayed in the road? I wonder to myself as I clutch my scythe and hold on to it for dear life. Damn they're quick, they're about 100 feet away now. Guess it's all or nothing.

I hold my ground and as the gleam of headlights approaches, my eyes light up and I jump on top of the van, holding tight I make my way to the front, I glance into the windshield and I see a whole family in there. Then they notice me, as their faces light up with fright I see the driver start to veer of the road. Ah well, this one was easy enough…

2 Its in the news

“Hey brad, did you see the paper?” that's Jeff, my best friend since we were kids.

“No, I'm afraid I haven't.”

“Well it says a family was on their way home after a long vacation, and some creature jumped on top of their car and scared the bejesus outta the driver, he says it was some kind of demon.”

“Did they all get out ok?”

“It says here that they were all shook up and are spending a good amount of time healing in the hospital.”

“Where did this happen?”

“Just outside of town on old route 34.”

“Sounds like we have some kind of a psycho on the loose.”

“Seems true.”

“Do the police have any leads on who the psycho could be?”

“It doesn't say.”

“Well, I'm gonna go grab some lunch, you wanna come?”

“Na, I have some shit I gotta finish here first.”

“All right, well I'm not gonna take any calls while I'm out.”

“All right, I'll let your secretary know.”

Now this was very unusual, I wondered to myself as I headed to my car. that's five people claiming to have seen the same thing this month, and it was only the 7th of October. This town was supposed to be a secure town after the outbreak of the war, what with all the security checkpoints set up around our town. Such a curious thing war is even with all the turmoil going on down south people still have time to go on vacation.

3 Explanation of the countries situation

Fort Granite had become a safe haven for those who lived north of Chicago, when the war started, people were leaving the big cities by the train load. Damn anarchists hope they're satisfied now that they have one of the greatest countries thrown into chaos. The war is being fed by those who have what they call a violence fetish, not that having a fetish is wrong, but still.

The war started as a simple dispute between the democrats and the aurocrats who called themselves “Liberators for the people's republic” what a crock of shit that was. It first started down in Florida, when a government official started a brawl with a member of the aurocrat party. The economy was on the brink of collapse anyway, what with gas prices reaching an all time high of $20 a gallon.

The aurocrats had a simple idea, show the auto makers how to make alternative fueled vehicles, that emit no harmful pollutants. A few scientists and researchers got together and found what they called a miracle fuel, they found out how to change fossil fueled engines into vehicles powered only on powdered granite, their first prototype was a success but then they started having trouble with the way the engine converted it into usable energy, which started a fight between the democrats and aurocrats, which eventually led to this miserable war.

All it took was for one loose tempered John Hockley (“vote for me and I'll show you a future without war.” was his campaign slogan) And it was because of him we were in this war. Well that is just my opinion, I'm not much for politics, in fact the last time I voted was back in the year 2000, a fresh millennium, and a fresh president, sure enough I voted for bush, lil' did I know he would lead us into a war.

Anyway lets get back to the present, it is the year, 2021 and the country is at war. Some have called it the second civil war, blasphemy is what I call it. The government, in my opinion, was just looking for a reason to go to war since the end of desert storm II. Ah well who cares about this cruddy war anyway?


Where is everyone from?