Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Sorry for the delay in the blog updates, but life has been very busy for me as of late.  I am trying to find a job at the moment, and that is even harder with the economy the way it is... well I am going to be posting more soon, stay tuned :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Where did the years go?

What happened to us?
Seems like only yesterday we were
playing with model cars and legos.
Now we have to pay bills.
Where did the years go?
We discuss politics and news, and argue about it.
We used to argue about who had the better lego set.
Sibling rivalry used to get us into trouble,
now you have a few DUI's under your belt.

I have asked it before, but where did the years go?
Seems like those years have been replaced by fears about the
Seems like just yesterday our only fear was about whether or
not we got coal in our stockings.

Seems like we aged overnight.

We had so many dreams about what we would be when we grew up.
Now your in college and I'm starting work in a factory.

No ambition, nothing to sooth our souls...
10 years went by, and now we play catch-up.

We graduated high school faster than we thought...

But just where did the last few years go?

Where is everyone from?